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Calligraphy Cut for men... it's not just for the ladies!

Updated: Feb 4

Can men get Calligraphy Cuts? The short answer is YES. I actually see several men at my St. Paul, Minnesota salon who love what Calligraphy Cut does for their hair! 

What kind of hairstyles do I see this on the most often? Just about everything short and long! 

I’ll admit, if you are looking for a clipper style fade, you’re going to get best results from a clipper… but did you know the top of your haircut can still be done with Calligraphy Cut? In fact- it could be your best solution to get your precise hairstyle to lay the way you want with minimal product use! AKA: less effort on your part!

“Why not just do a scissors, it’s not like I’m looking for bouncy shampoo commercial hair anyway...” I ask you this: would you appreciate the benefits of healthier looking and feeling hair? Would you love to have movement in your style that requires less effort on your part? The Calligraphy Cut may just be your answer! The patented angles of the blade create more surface area at the end of each hair strand… and thus more movement! More surface area also equals more opportunity to soak up nutrients and moisture!

The difference is in the end of your hair strand which can only be created with a Calligraphy Cut. Check out these microscopic pictures of your hair strands after scissors, regular razor, or Calligraphy Cut.

As Minnesota’s Premier Gold Star Calligraphy Cut stylist, I can help you navigate the best options for your style! Click the booking link at the top of the page, or give a call at 651-200-3450 to schedule your appointment today! 

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