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Calligraphy Cut & Curly Hair?

Updated: Feb 4

Is Calligraphy Cut a good option for curly hair? As a curly Minnesota girl I’ve had my fair share of haircuts- good, fabulous, and well… questionable (looking at you senior year when I refused any layers for a chin length bob). At this point, I know what I like and what I don’t. If you’ve got curls (or any hair type!), I’m sure you have similar likes and dislikes when it comes to your hair. 

One thing I hear OFTEN at my St. Paul salon is a strong distaste for razor cuts. “They make me frizzy” or “My hair feels thinner”. I agree- razor cuts are not my fav when it comes to curls. I know what you’re thinking - how does Elizabeth dislike razor cuts but specializes in Calligraphy Cut? Isn’t it a glorified razor? Nope!

While, yes, Calligraphy Cut is done with a blade- it’s radically different from your typical razor cut! The patented angle that the blade sits at is the secret sauce. 

There is absolutely no shredding of the hair strand. In fact, the Calligraphy Cut creates the ideal angle at the end of each and every hair strand. This allows your hair to soak up more moisture and have more movement throughout. Calligraphy Cut is a super healthy cut that helps expand your style and breath some air into your curls. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

This difference shows in the ends of your hair strands- check out these microscopic pictures of your hair done with scissors, Calligraphy Cut, or a traditional razor. ⠀⠀



You can clearly see... It IS NOT the same as a razor cut! A razor shreds hair strands... while a Calligraphy Cut actually gives the cleanest and healthiest cut possible. So, when I say it will be a game changer for your hair, I really mean it.

If you haven’t already, book your next Calligraphy Cut by clicking the BOOK NOW button at the top of the page, or calling 651-200-3450.

As the premier provider of Calligraphy Cuts in Minnesota, I can assure you won’t be disappointed!

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